Comments on: Understanding the Enemy: Pornography’s Silent but Precise Attack Strategy Get Freedom from the slavery of Porn Wed, 21 Oct 2015 23:40:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kayla Wed, 21 Oct 2015 23:40:28 +0000 In reply to james.

I came across an article the other week by John Piper.
Not all sexual desire is lust. God made sexual desire. It has its good place and it can, in fact, become an act of worship in the temple of marriage. But lust is sexual desire gone wrong. Here’s my definition:

Lust is a sexual desire that dishonors its object and disregards God. Disregards the promises and the warnings of having or losing the beauties of Christ.
The lusted-after woman or man in your head, or on the screen, or on the street, is dishonored — not treated as a sacred, precious, eternal person made in the image of God, whose eternal destiny is always paramount, and whose holiness we either long for or ignore. And the only way this dishonor can be so daringly carried out is by disregarding God while we are in the sway of our lust — disregarding the promises and warnings of having or losing the beauties of Christ. So lust is a sexual desire that dishonors its object and disregards God. Ponder with me for a few minutes the natural and the spiritual role of self-control in relation to lust. . .

Faith in Christ Conquers ‘Addiction’

Addiction is a relative term. I would stake my life on the assumption that no one in this room is absolutely addicted to pornography or any sexual sin. What I mean is this: If the stakes are high enough and sure enough, you will have all the self-control you need to resist any sexual temptation.

For example, if tonight you are feeling totally in the sway of sexual desire — more blazing, more powerful than you have ever felt it in your life — and you believe that you cannot resist the temptation to look at some nudity online, and suddenly a black-hooded ISIS member drags your best friend or your spouse into the room with a knife at his or her throat, and says, “If you look at that website, I will slit their throat,” you will have the self-control you thought you didn’t have. You won’t click.

Or if a man walks into the room and says, “If you do not look at that nudity, I will give you one million dollars cash, tax-free, tonight,” you will suddenly have the self-control you thought you did not have.

Addiction is a relative term. The fact is, 99% of those who give way to lust in pornography or fornication or adultery, are not decisively controlled by sexual desire. They are decisively controlled by what they believe — what they believe will happen if they act on their lust or don’t.

Piper: “If the stakes are high enough, you will have all the self-control you need to resist any sexual temptation.” Tweet
The Spirit of God Controls Us

The decisive issue is whether they believe the stakes are high enough and sure enough. If we are sure a friend will die a gruesome death, we will have self-control. If we are sure we’ll get the $1,000,000, we will have self-control.

Now there is nothing distinctly Christian about that analysis of motivation. That is simply the way human beings are wired. Self-control was a Stoic virtue before it was Christian, and there is nothing distinctly Christian about it.

And yet Paul lists self-control (engkrateia) as a fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:23). So for those who believe the gospel of Christ, and are justified by faith alone (Romans 3:28), the Holy Spirit becomes the decisive cause of “self-control.” That’s what I take “fruit” to mean in Galatians 5. The Spirit produces self-control in the believer. The action of the self is vital and essential, but not decisive. The Spirit is decisive.

Work out your salvation for God is at work in you, Paul says in Philippians 2:12–13. That means “Control your lusts because the Spirit is controlling them through you.” Exert self-control, because the Spirit is working it in you. The blood of Christ, the blood of the new covenant, secures for us the working of the Holy Spirit. And when he works, we act. His working appears in our acting. He creates the miracle of self-control, and we act the miracle of self-control.

But the Holy Spirit doesn’t produce the same self-control that the Stoics had. The Stoics did not depend on Christ, or live for Christ. But the Holy Spirit is in the believer because of the death of Christ, and for the glory of Christ (John 14:16). The blood of Christ was his price. And the beauty of Christ is his mission.

The Beauty of Christ Is Better

Therefore, the way the Spirit produces self-control in the believer is by revealing the beauties of Christ to our souls as supremely beautiful and supremely satisfying. He removes the hardness of heart and the blindness of our souls, so that we see and savor the beauties of Christ for what they really are.

And what he shows us through the word of Christ is that the all-satisfying beauties of Christ can be lost forever, if in the bondage of lust we prove to be a hypocrite and really love sex more than we love Christ. And he shows us that the day is coming, and now is here in measure, when we will enjoy Christ with a fullness of joy that outweighs every possible pleasure of lust.

Which brings us back now to the ISIS member ready to slit the throat of our best friend, and the man with a million dollars. The Holy Spirit shows us that the stakes are much higher than either of those situations when we face the temptations of lust. These beauties of Christ that the Holy Spirit reveals can be lost forever, or they can satisfy your soul forever.

He opens our ears to hear Jesus say, “If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown into hell” (Matthew 5:29) — the final and ultimate ISIS attack. And he opens our ears to hear Jesus say, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8) — a reward infinitely superior to a mere million dollars.

Self-control is a fruit of the Spirit. He creates the miracle. We act the miracle. He creates it by opening our eyes to see the beauties of Christ — that they can be lost forever in bondage to lust, or enjoyed forever by the pure in heart.

Piper: “Lust disregards the promises and warnings of having or losing the beauties of Christ.”

(John Piper Article copy and paste)

I found it to be extraordinary and spot on truth. This was a great resource for myself as well as my Husband who is a recovering porn addict.

By: R Pike Sun, 18 Jan 2015 20:32:06 +0000 In reply to sheelzie012.

It is common to return to your old ways at any time. Just one weak moment can create a relapse that will last as long as you allow it. The longer you allow it, the harder it is to get back on the wagon. Get some help from a trusted friend, counselor, or pastor. It is seriously hard to go this alone.
Does the cycle come to an end? Yes. BUT, be careful and don’t get too confident cause you can fall back into it at anytime. This is why addicts state that they are a recovering addict. Recovery is a long journey ending when we pass away. Some will claim you can get ‘cured’ but our nature of sin can come back unless we constantly keep it squashed. Being set free as you described is an event or turning point in your life. Just like a sobriety date for alcoholics. You committed your life to Christ and decided to follow Him. Problem is we have the pull from sin to keep dragging us back into the filth. We often succumb to it and have to ask forgiveness and then re-commit ourselves. God forgives us! His grace allows us back to the family even though we are filthy sinners. It is a fight to stay close to Christ and far from sin.

By: sheelzie012 Sun, 18 Jan 2015 17:04:25 +0000 I’m 17years cousin introduced me to porn when I was 8years old…i remember him warning me that its addictive but I still went back for more…gave my first blowjob 10years old..from then on my relationships just deteriorated..i was moody and irritable most of the time…well…at 15 I attended a scripture union camp and was set free…for a year…things were great…..i even performed better in school topping my class.. but now I find myself going back to my old habits…does the cycle ever finally come to an end
….i’m sick of feeling sick to my stomach about all this…is there any advice for me please?

By: R Pike Mon, 28 May 2012 02:31:59 +0000 In reply to Bill.

Bill if you want to get free, then get some help from your wife and a good friend. Have them hold you accountable, monitor your computer with a good accountability program. Join a sexual purity group at church. Find some hobbies and activities to throw yourself into. Move your computer to another (preferably public area) spot in your home. Break old routines and start new ones. Cry out to God for help.
Bill – this isn’t easy, especially when you have been at it for so long. You need to get some good reasons to stop and get help to do it. This is too hard to break on your own

By: Bill Sat, 26 May 2012 23:29:53 +0000 I’m male, 82 years old. Since about age 13 or 14 I have been a constant masturbator. I have loads of it on my computer, and know better than the next guy where to find the very “best” places to find even more inflammatory sites.

I realize that I need to quit this…to be free of the compulsion, seemingly also an obsession. I’m married, but my wife has health problems that prevent certain aspects of good marital sex. She knows this is an addiction for me, but no longer frowns upon my engagement in this, because she can’t (or won’t) satisfy my cravings for sexual engagement. Nor does she understand how I feel the urge to masturbate almost daily, though she for years was also a masturbator herself. She had her dildo vibrator, but seems to me to have given it up completely. I do believe she no longer masturbates, and is happy to be in that state. I wish I could do the same.

I don’t know what you could say that would strengthen my resolve to quit. I have read this article completely ( and agree with what has been presented. But I’m still at high risk of going back to it all too soon. Only someone who has been in the grip of this addiction really knows how addictive masturbation and porn can be.

Any suggestions that have not already been given?

Thanks for listening…


By: General Battle Plan Tue, 01 Dec 2009 19:24:57 +0000 In reply to jordan.

That is what I am here for. If I can help you in any way let me know.

By: General Battle Plan Tue, 01 Dec 2009 19:19:37 +0000 In reply to james.

Truly born again Christians struggle with lust and pornography! We still have our sinful nature within our carnal bodies. Walk in the Spirit and you will not satisfy the desires of the flesh – the Apostle Paul said this and it is good advice. Walking in the Spirit is a choice and something we have to do daily. We can feed either flesh or spirit and whichever we feed will grow!

By: jordan Wed, 25 Nov 2009 02:48:53 +0000 Thank you for this site. I have been hopelessly addicted and you have given me hope.

By: james Mon, 31 Aug 2009 17:28:23 +0000 hi, brian im here because as a christian ive been battleing this sin for a very long time and truth is im at my wits end with it ,im utterly disgusted and angry with myself for not standing permantly against it because i know its not honoring to the lord jesus christ who i profess to follow.
i recently completed a purity coarse at setting captives free web site , ive been a member of bpm ( battle plan ministries) for 2yrs now were i have accountability with others in same boat and pastor bill berry has a battle plan that ive completed twice now and have a planned review coming up this december lord willing.
but after all these things i still stumble and fall into this poision, and every time i become an emotional wreck.
i know i need to daily be on my face before the lord and in the scriptures etc , but still my cry is no long term victory and to make my guilt even worse i say to myself if im truely born again why do i still lust and pursue this wickedness ? does that mean im not truely a christian? i love the lord or i say i do i have a love and desire to be reading the word, i battle with fellowshipping again because of guilt and shame ,oh how i wish it were diferent but its not for now. i come under conviction all the time over this sin and i want to with all my being to be free in christ and resist but the power of lust in its strength overwhelms me ,purhaps i need to believe the word and stand firm.
please brian any input would be apreciated thankyou.

By: The end of foreplay in porn? Further destruction to happen in porn films « Battle Plan Wed, 15 Jul 2009 11:57:07 +0000 […] you don’t know me, I am anti-pornography.  The reason for my stance relates to my beliefs that porn is a misuse of sex as the way that God created it.  Another reason I am against porn is because of the way it had a […]
