Comments on: Side Effects of Porn Get Freedom from the slavery of Porn Mon, 26 Aug 2013 15:57:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: R Pike Wed, 17 Apr 2013 23:20:16 +0000 In reply to Aileen.

How sad it had to end for you. There is no way a real woman can compete with the fantasy of the porn actress.

By: Aileen Sun, 10 Mar 2013 10:00:14 +0000 Thank you for this article. I am divorcing my husband of 7 years (4 1/2 of those he has been a porn/chat room/sexting addict). It hurts so much when he tells me he is not attracted to me and reading this helps me remember that it is the addiction talking and not the truth.

He has never committed to recovery. He does just enough to appease me and then falls back in the cycle. Everything in his life has suffered due to this addiction. Our marriage, grades when he went back to school, family and friend relationships. There are people he has completely cut out of his life because they created “stress” and he couldn’t handle it.

He is at risk of getting in trouble at work because he uses his work phone and computer to act out.

I have tried for the past two years to support him through getting control of this addiction but after a 6 month spell of him lying about porn/chat rooms and why he stopped seeing his therapist I realize there is nothing left for me to hope for.

I try talking to him rationally but there is not a rational person listening. He has gotten so good at justifying his addiction (“I only do it once or twice a week”). But each time he has admitted is usually 6 to 7 hours. Usually at night on the weekend so I end up with a tired, irritable addict for the daytime.

I just wanted to say thank you for this article. It reminded me that I am not unattractive. I am just a real person and not a fantasy on the other end of a computer.

By: chiknichameli Fri, 20 Apr 2012 15:19:57 +0000 i’v read ur article nd watevr explanation nd symptoms u’v given regarding the problems seen during intercourse due to heavy/gud use of porn by the partner is very much tru nd similar to my problem indeed! i hv been married for only 2 yrs now!bt i’hv figured out dat my husband masterbates watching porns which is causing big prob to my married lyf!when i ws about to give him a divorce,he claimed that he wudnt do it anymore nd he is keeping his words.But,it the new problem now is that,he cant turn himself on witout watching porn!week passes by nd we keep trying to intercourse bt it becums hard for him to erect without help of porn.Should i actualy leave him?is he curable?how can he be cured nd wats will be my step?plzz help me

By: R Pike Sat, 14 Apr 2012 13:36:25 +0000 In reply to Roberto.

Roberto, Your statement is oh so true. When you get lost in the world of porn, its as is you have stepped into another dimension and you loose track of time. Countless hours are gone, never to return. Sad really, you only get so much time. Use it wisely and invest it in eternal causes and people you love. Thanks Roberto

By: R Pike Sat, 14 Apr 2012 13:33:26 +0000 In reply to stigezy.

You seem to be burned out from the porn. I would be it now takes some pretty wild pornography to get you aroused. If that is the case, your wife seems not very exciting to you anymore. Let me know if this rings true. I would guess your wife does not know of your addiction. What did you tell her the last time you tried making love? You are not beyond redemption! I suggest you start working the battle plan as I have laid out in my book! You need to quit the porn and stop wearing out your sex drive on it. Save yourself for your wife! The road to recovery is long and hard, but start today on it. I am here if you need help.

By: stigezy Tue, 10 Apr 2012 12:18:19 +0000 Hi, i have been masturbating for the past 17yrs, i feel my case is beyond redemption,not until recently when i started havin dificulty satisfying my spouse did i realise i might be in trouble. the problem is that i find it very difficult to get aroused when i am with my spouse, and when i eventually do, my erection dont last up to 3mins before loosin it. this has caused a strain in my relationship and I urgently need help.

By: Roberto Sat, 03 Mar 2012 21:00:59 +0000 There is one thing missing in your list. The time that flies away and never gets back. You as an individual become more limited because you lost that time to improve as a person, to enjoy a new hobby, to learn a new language, to improve in knowledge to get ahead at work, etc.

By: General Battle Plan Sat, 08 Jan 2011 16:10:43 +0000 In reply to will.

Try real sex with your spouse. Find another outlet. You need to enroll into a 12 step type program that will help you find other outlets for this urge. I found old hobbies and trying to steer my thinking in another direction to help a lot.

By: will Sat, 23 Oct 2010 10:35:35 +0000 how do you get the same satisfaction with out the vice? what are some alternatives?

By: General Battle Plan Tue, 01 Dec 2009 19:24:26 +0000 In reply to h00kd.

Keep your sobriety going and don’t give up!
