Comments on: What Triggers Your Urge For Pornography? Get Freedom from the slavery of Porn Tue, 20 Oct 2015 00:18:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: R Pike Sun, 24 Feb 2013 14:28:18 +0000 In reply to Mr.Anonymous.

You can only avoid your triggers to a point…then there comes the reaction to the triggers. When a sexual thought pops into your head what do you do with it? You say you try to stop it. What does that mean? Whenever I get a thought like that in my head, I have to actively intoduce truth to the situation. For example, I daydream about hooking up with a woman at a meeting I am attending. At that point I interupt that train of thought and introduce these truthes: I am married, an affair would destroy my family. She does not think the same of me and the chances of this happening are slim to none. God is watching my every move and hears my thoughts, so is this what I want Him to see.
Strenght in this area comes from prayer and practice. I pray for your victory over the battle of your thoughts! This is a very tough arena to battle in.. I still have a few issues from time to time here.

By: Mr.Anonymous Sun, 24 Feb 2013 13:22:58 +0000 Hi. I have had this addiction for 2 years now and I want to stop it before it gets even worse. This is what happens, I get up from bed and a sexual thought pops in my head I try to stop it but it gets worse. I try this all the time but I just don’t know how to occupy my time wisely enough to stop. I need more control over this. I have already identified my triggers but I have a hardtime avoiding them. I believe it is possible. I just need strength. Can this really work?

By: R Pike Sat, 14 Apr 2012 13:49:28 +0000 In reply to Vicky Stamokowski.

Vicky. Like you said porn is satisfying but not fulfilling. What porn misses is the intimacy involved with another human. When did you start feeling unsatisfied with your husband? Before or after you started looking at pornography?

By: Vicky Stamokowski Wed, 04 Apr 2012 19:23:22 +0000 I am 60 years and keep myself in excellent condition. If you would see me from the back, you would thing I was a teenager. I’ve been married to a really good man for 38 years. I love him but in bed he’s a zero and he was shortchanged in the man department. He also has low energy and doesn’t seem interested in sex which may result from his equipment insecurity. I feel bad for him. I think most guys wish they were bigger but they’re really fine. Anyway, I have taken up with internet porn, especially gay men sites. I know it sounds so twisted and I know it’s most always a guy thing to masturbate while looking at this stuff as every guy I know is most definitely visually oriented. I can feel their eyes all over me. I’m addicted to porn. I wonder if there is any guy around who could compete with my toys. I so much want to be pounded by one of those hunks but i love my husband and I just could not cheat on him with another man. So I have a steady diet of sex that is gratifying but not very fulfilling. I feel guilty. I might be a sex addict; none of my girlfriends seem to have the urgent needs that I do. I don’t know what to do; I feel trapped. I’ve always masturbated but now I need the additional stimuli that I get from pornography. Is there any help out there.
