Is Incognito mode browsing hiding internet history?

incognito mode private browsing

How does incognito mode or private browsing work and can it really hide internet history?

Most all of the internet browsers made today include privacy features called incognito mode or private browsing.  An internet user simply had to open up a new tab on the internet browser in private or incognito mode.  That tells the internet browser:

  • Do not track my websites visited
  • Do not keep record of any internet cookies
  • Do not record any passwords or autofill information
  • Do not record any history of files downloaded
  • Do not keep any files in the cache (images, etc)

All of these instructions apply only to the new incognito tab that was just opened.  Once that tab is closed, you are back to normal internet browsing.

There are many reasons you might not want the computer to track you internet history.  You might be on a public computer or banking on another PC.  Most of the time however, the person is looking at stuff they don’t want anyone else to know about.  Since you are on this website, you know what I’m talking about.

So, for the person trying to hide his/her internet tracks and those of you who wish to know what they were looking at here is what can be found out.  The private browsing modes will not hide downloaded files.  If you download a movie to watch, the file will not be found in the download history of the browser, but the file will be on your hard drive.  If after downloading that file, you watched it with a video player on your computer, that will be on the video player history.

Incognito mode does not protect your privacy from the websites you visit.  They will still know your IP address, places you’ve been on the internet and everything else they can know about you normally.  

Internet service providers also will know where you have been online.  They have records of all your internet surfing, but I think that someone would need a warrant to seize those records.

Now you are thinking, “I suspect that he/she is watching internet porn, but I cannot prove it.  They have been using that incognito private browsing mode.”   Don’t worry, I will tell you how to get that data!  Before we do that, let’s think first about what you are going to do with this data.  The data you get could possibly change your world.  I mean that!  If you find out your husband not just watching porn, but is watching some very offensive porn, what will you do?  What will you say?

Now that you have decided what you will do with the data you collect, let’s talk about how to get it.  Incognito or private browsing will not leave traces of history on the computer or phone.  So you must intercept that data as it is transferred back and forth from the internet.

If you want to track the internet on PC or Mac computers, I suggest using either Covenant Eyes or Accountable2You.  Both of these softwares will track and report on internet searches and websites visited.  There are 2 differences to note:  Searches in the Mac Safari browser are not picked up by Covenant Eyes, but all others browsers are.  Also, Accountable2You has instant text message notification when a mature site or search is registered.

If you wish to track the internet on someone’s mobile device, I suggest Accountable2You.  It seems to work good on either Android or Apple devices and it will give you text message alerts.  Covenant Eyes seems to have problems capturing data within apps.  For example, someone could download the pinterest app and then search for porn within the app and not trigger a note on the accountability report.

Both of these software programs work fairly similarly as they monitor internet traffic and pass it against their filters and judge it as either good or bad.  They both also log all internet traffic and app usage to a point as noted above.

No matter what angle you are approaching this article from I hope you have found it useful and put a plan into action.


Sanctity of Life and pornography – Does porn respect life?

Life is Precious

This is Sanctity of Life weekend in the United States.  What that means is that we regard life as a sacred gift from God and it is precious.  God is the creator of life and humans were created in His image.  This means we are made in His likeness and we have a high value.

The Sanctity of Life as we will look at deals with how pornography portrays an opposing view of life than God does.  In pornography, people are objects instead of living beings with soul and spirit.  Pornography portrays sex as a conquest and the woman as a mere piece of meat.

I’ve heard it said that we tend to use people and love things instead of loving people and using things.  Pornography uses women and men as objects to satisfy our flesh.  It ends up using them for the physical and mental satisfaction of control, gratification and physical release.

To love people and value them does not include sacrificing them up to peering eyes of thousands.  Would you want your wife or daughter to be used in such a way as pornography does?  It violates their value as a person and tears them down with degrading acts.

Humans should value each other and not support the humiliation of another for their own gratification.  God would not humiliate us, nor does he care to see us treat some people as less valuable as others.  Perhaps we should look at adults in pornography with as much disgust as we do for children who are abusively made to do such acts.  Innocence aside, how much difference is there between the two?

Look that woman in the porn movie in the eyes while she is in the act.  Are you looking into a soul less creature or into painful eyes?  The eyes that are windows to the soul of a woman who is created in the image of God – she is a creation of the almighty and made in his image.

8 year old receives Playboy Magazine offer in the mail

playboy magazine offer to 8 year old boy

In a suburb of Cleveland, Ohio a third grader receives a Playboy Magazine offer in the mail!  Should you ever doubt the predatory nature of pornographers, here is case in point. 

The young boy is actually my son.  Thankfully, my wife retrieved the mail with the enclosed offer!  Usually my son gets the mail for her, but not on this day.  She was so outraged that she has called and emailed whoever will listen, including Playboy Magazine.

The advertisement was provocative enough that my wife did not want even me to see it.  I sat and imagined what his response would have been when he saw a half-naked woman on a piece of mail addressed to him.  There are 2 responses that he would have a choice from, in my mind.

The first and ideal response would have been for him to show his mother and to have her quickly whisk the offer away.  Then she would praise him for showing her and using good judgment.  She’d have to explain to him the sinfulness in such magazines and how awful it was for them to send out such offers.


playboy magazine offer to 8 year old boy

I image he would have looked like this had he opened the mail

The second response would have been for him to hide the offer and not tell anyone.  The offer would be hidden in a secret spot and he would bring it out to ponder and look at the ad.  What a dilemma it would cause for him!  The photo is appealing to him, but he does not fully understand why.  It also makes him feel dirty for looking at it and feeling the need to hide it. 

At his age I know what I would have done – the second response.  It was what I did when I found my Dad’s magazines. 

I am very thankful that my wife intercepted the mail today.  It seriously is getting me thinking on when and how I have to share with him about ‘the birds and the bees’.  I need to start pouring into him and modeling for him the proper way to treat women – more intentionally.  I need to give him respect for women so that later on when he does get exposed to pornography, he will know for certain it is wrong and will respond to it as in the first scenario above.

Parents, we have a responsibility to protect our kids and mold them into God fearing, people loving adults.  Please reflect on what you would do, or would have done in this situation.

I welcome all your comments below!


My Favorite Anti-Porn videos

videos against porn

As we bid farewell to 2011, we all like to look back on the year and highlight what events, people and things most influenced us during the year.

I want to share with you some of my most favorite videos of 2011.  These videos are well done and provide very useful information regarding pornography usage and addiction to pornography.  I think they are a fair representation of the anti pornography issues.

Becoming an anti-porn activist is a nicely done roundtable discussion that shows what you can do to oppose pornography in your world.  It features some guests that are already activists and they give you some great insight.  Check it out.

Becoming an Anti-Porn Activist from Covenant Eyes on Vimeo.

My next favorite video is a first hand testimony of a man named Jon.  Jon shares his first exposure to pornography, it’s effects that it had on his life, and how he quit using porn.  I could truly relate to much of what Jon relayed via this video.  Very Powerful.  Watch here.

This last video was produced by ex porn actress Shelly Lubben.  Her foundation, helps porn actors and actresses get out of the business and heal the pain left behind.  As a recovering addict, I was shocked at the scenes here.  Watch here.

The Triple X Domain – What will it do for Families and addicts

.xxx TLD

Talks have long been going on over the establishment of a top level domain xxx.  Pornography sites would be encouraged to use these TLDs to publish their content.  It would make it easier for families to filter out pornographic websites, or so they think.

The new top level domain .xxx was just recently approved and will be offered for sale soon.  Anyone wishing to purchase their to mirror their will be able to order.

Will this new red light district on the internet help to regulate pornographic material?  Does this ‘legitimize’ pornography by giving it its own section of the internet?  Will it help families keep pornographic materials away from their children?

I want to bring up the issue of legitimization of the pornographic industry.  They have been allowed to take over the normal .com world by putting up over 12% of content on the internet.  They were here at the advent of the internet to the point where some people think the porn industry created the internet.  Truth is that the internet is like the wild west and almost anything goes on it.  Does it legitimize them?  Maybe, but I think that giving them a .xxx is only the first step to regulating the industry on the internet.

Pornography industry leaders are not willing to be decent citizens and move their filthy material from their .coms over to the .xxxs, nor will they be required to do so.  These websites are fully entrenched with years of history, programming and search engine indexing behind them.  They have much invested and much to lose by ditching their dot coms.

The truth is that they like the easy access that dot coms have given them.  Type a wrongly spelled word into the search or just about any topic and your results will yield pornography.  Pornographers love the fact that they are easily found and can entrap anyone who takes the bait and enters into their dark world.  This would all change if they were forced to take their smut to the triple x domains.

Search engines would be able to more easily restrict triple x domains from search results and internet searchers would know that any results that carry a .xxx are off limits.  This would be good news for families and anyone wanting to maintain their purity online.

In my opinion the establishment of a triple x domain is a good first step, but it will be useless until pornographers are forced to migrate over to the new TLD.  Currently as it stands, the triple x domains will just be extra web addresses that forward people to their established dot com sites.  The internet will be just as perverse as it is today until the pornographic dot coms are shut down and moved.

Is anyone with me and ready to start a campaign forcing pornographers over to the triple x domains?  Leave your comments below.  Let’s organize and get started.  Who is with me??