Sanctity of Life and pornography – Does porn respect life?

Life is Precious

This is Sanctity of Life weekend in the United States.  What that means is that we regard life as a sacred gift from God and it is precious.  God is the creator of life and humans were created in His image.  This means we are made in His likeness and we have a high value.

The Sanctity of Life as we will look at deals with how pornography portrays an opposing view of life than God does.  In pornography, people are objects instead of living beings with soul and spirit.  Pornography portrays sex as a conquest and the woman as a mere piece of meat.

I’ve heard it said that we tend to use people and love things instead of loving people and using things.  Pornography uses women and men as objects to satisfy our flesh.  It ends up using them for the physical and mental satisfaction of control, gratification and physical release.

To love people and value them does not include sacrificing them up to peering eyes of thousands.  Would you want your wife or daughter to be used in such a way as pornography does?  It violates their value as a person and tears them down with degrading acts.

Humans should value each other and not support the humiliation of another for their own gratification.  God would not humiliate us, nor does he care to see us treat some people as less valuable as others.  Perhaps we should look at adults in pornography with as much disgust as we do for children who are abusively made to do such acts.  Innocence aside, how much difference is there between the two?

Look that woman in the porn movie in the eyes while she is in the act.  Are you looking into a soul less creature or into painful eyes?  The eyes that are windows to the soul of a woman who is created in the image of God – she is a creation of the almighty and made in his image.

What to do – getting caught masturbating with pornography

getting caught masturbating

The ultimate in embarrassment – getting caught masturbating with pornography


You are flirting with disaster if you are engaged in pornography.  Pornography has many side effects to those who use it and those related to the user.  Sooner or later you will get caught!

Even if you clear your internet browsing history or you have a secret folder on your computer you will eventually get caught.  The most diligent and mindful person will eventually leave a trail.  Come on, you watch those real life crime shows – the criminal always gets caught. 

I was caught as a teenager by my friend.  How embarrassing it was!  I had my magazines out and a knock on my basement window.. you get the idea.  Read more about my struggle with porn addiction in my free ebook.

I don’t care how sneaky or brilliant you are at covering up your tracks or using a proxy.  The more you use pornography, the greater the risk.  Someone will walk in on you or discover your secret stash.  You will be found out.

So what are you going to do when you get caught?  That day when your wife finds your internet history what will you say to her?  When your boss confronts you with the internet sites you visited on company time how will you defend yourself?

Take preemptive action today – Decide you are going to stop and seek some help.  You may be addicted to pornography, check against my list of signs you’re addicted to porn.  Go ahead and trash your stash.  If that means reformatting your hard drive, do it.  Erase all tracks and files now.  Read – the first step to quitting pornography

If you do not wish to take preemptive action and quit pornography today, then here is what you need to do when you get caught.

Admit to watching the pornography – Don’t give some lame excuse that someone else was using your computer or that those are not my files.  Lying will only complicate things. I know you are embarrassed to admit to it, but you need to fess up.

Don’t blame anyone else for your actions – You have not been watching porn because she doesn’t pay attention to you as much as she used to or because she has gained a few pounds.  Get real.  You have been a selfish little jerk.  Pornography turns you on and you knew she wouldn’t have approved of your watching it.  This is why you have been hiding it!  Don’t blame her or anyone else for something you chose to do.

Listen to his/her feelings – You need to shut up and let the other person explain how your behavior has made them feel.  This will not be pretty and you will get your head handed to you, but you are not in a position to disregard or downplay their feelings.  Whether you want to admit to it or not, you have betrayed their trust and intimacy.  You have made them feel inadequate and unworthy.  Take your licks and listen.

Seek some good counsel and enroll into an addiction program – get a hold of some pornography counseling contacts and inquire about the process they employ.  Do this with your spouse.  Get her involved in this process so she is aware of what you will be doing and understands what is going to happen.  It won’t be easy for either of you.  Rough times are ahead, so decide that you will push through them and on the other side things will be better.

Just remember, you will get caught one day.  It’s best to be preemptive and quit now!  The Bible says that your sin will find you out.  While you think you are getting away with it and there are no consequences, eventually it will catch up to you. 

What do you think?  I welcome your thoughts and questions below.

Why A Porn habit is so hard to break

porn habits are hard to break

Last time we looked at why porn is so addictive.  We learned that a chemical reaction in your brain just like what a drug user experiences is part of why it is so addictive.  This along with the climax we experience from masturbation puts a double whammy on the body to give us a euphoric pleasure.  We also talked about the cycle of porn usage and how we go from craving to acting on the craving and using porn to shame & guilt and swearing to not do it again.  We find ourselves in this cycle over and over again.

 porn habits are hard to break

Lost in the porn addiction cycle we long to get out, but it seems there is no use.  We feel almost helpless.  We tell ourselves that this is just something we have to live with; anyways it is not hurting anyone right?  Deep down inside we secretly loathe ourselves because of it.  We think of ourselves as dirty, weak creatures who would be looked down upon if anyone ever found out about what we do while alone. 


The biggest reason that a porn habit is hard to break is because of its secrecy! Porn is a secret sin!  The internet provides anonymity for us to seek out porn within the safety of our homes.  Erase the internet history, dump the cookies and erase the temporary internet files and know one will know.  We don’t have to get in our cars and risk being seen walking into an adult bookstore.  Covering our tracks and hiding all traces has been how we have been living.  If no one knows, I will be able to keep my marriage and respect that everyone has for me. 


The secrecy is a double edged sword!  You will be able to hide your secret porn life and keep your status as an outstanding husband, dad and citizen, but you will not like yourself.  The secrecy also will perpetuate the porn usage.  No one knows, and you can keep doing whatever you like.  Porn addiction grows when it is in the dark, secret place.  Porn is like a fungus – it thrives in the dark and dies when exposed to the light!  Part of your battle plan will involve telling someone about your problem.  You will be amazed at how much release you will feel when you expose your porn problem.  We will talk at length about this later.


A porn habit is so hard to break because of the sex crazed culture we live in.  Everywhere you turn; TV, billboards, magazines, the office – sexily & seductively dressed people are everywhere.  This culture has a preoccupation with sex.  Sex has been elevated to idol status and we learn to seek after it and revere it like it was a deity.  Listen to the radio or watch TV and talk about sex is everywhere.  Sexual conquests, affairs, and seduction are commonly spoke about and portrayed throughout the day as the be all end all of our existence.  To a porn addict, these bombardments cause us to think more about sex and want to use porn.  We can’t turn our sex filled minds off and onto more noble things while we are assaulted at every corner!  Speaking as a visually stimulated man, it is very hard to keep your eyes & mind on the straight and narrow. 


A porn habit is very hard to break because many of us believe that our porn usage is not hurting anyone. – There are no victims from my pornogrpahy use.   We think, ‘I am not physically cheating on my spouse’, or ‘Porn actresses have made a decision to act, they are not coerced’, or ‘Porn does not change the way I act towards my family and co-workers’.  So if it is not hurting anyone and sex is natural, why is it wrong?   I truly believed this for many years and thought that porn usage was normal for many people.  What I didn’t realize was that porn was changing the way I looked at women, was causing me to be more selfish, was robbing me of my passion for anything else, and was destroying my ability to be intimate emotionally and physically with anyone.  Porn will rob you of passion and intimacy and cause you to put yourself and your needs above anyone else.  There is much more to elaborate on these points later. 


Using porn is so hard to break away from because of the secrecy involved, the sex crazed society we live in and the lies we believe as to porn not hurting anyone.  If we are doing something in the privacy of our homes that no one knows about, but is talked about and reinforced everywhere we turn and is not hurting anyone why would it be wrong?  For porn to be wrong, we would have to be opposed to it morally and show that it has detrimental effects to those who use it and society in general.   


In our next installment we will talk more about the affects of porn on its users.