Covenant Eyes special 60 free trial

covenant eyes review

Get Covenant Eyes free for 60 days – limited time offer.

Hi all – it’s Christmas season and I have so much to be thankful for. I have a great family, wife, job and friends. What more could a guy ask for? I am so blessed by the Father. He is so good to me even though I don’t deserve it.  Grace is great!

I don’t think grace is cheap.  Cheap grace is thinking you can go on and sin knowing your sins are forgiven.  God forgive us for cheap grace.  It cost him so much and to us it is of little value sometimes…  sorry for the digression there.


covenant eyes review

Christmas time is a time of reflection on all the blessings our Lord has given to us.  All good things come from above!  We give gifts at Christmas time as a representation of what God gave to us in the form of his son Jesus.  The gift of eternal life through Jesus!  God loves us so much and doesn’t want us to go to hell.  He is also a God of justice and must punish sin.  Perfect love, perfect justice… that is what He is.  Jesus is the answer to the gap between our sin deserving punishment from his justice and the willingness that he doesn’t want us to go to hell.  Jesus was born sinless and lived sinless and then was sacrificed to pay the price for sinful man.  He is our atoning sacrifice to satisfy the justice God requires in punishing sin.  We need to accept that gift from God and we are then counted as righteous in the eye of God!  How great is that!!

Christmas presents are given as a symbol of the gift God gave to us in the form of His son Jesus.  When giving gifts this year, tech gifts are among the hottest things to give.  Protect your loved ones from internet filth by installing Covenant Eyes software on these gifts.  You want to bless them, not give them the opportunity to stumble.

I have a special relationship with Covenant Eyes, Inc.  They are the developers of accountability and filtering software for the internet.  This software is installed on any computer, phone or tablet and it will watch or filter the internet sites that are visited by the user.  Ron Dehaas the founder of Covenant Eyes, is a good christian family man who has a passion for protecting youth, family and marriages from the devastation of internet pornography.

If you click on this link and sign up for Covenant Eyes you will:

  • Get a limited time 60 days free trail (until December 19, 2014)
  • Support this ministry to fight against porn and help those ensnared in it (they send me a commission for signups)
  • Most importantly! – protect your loved ones from influence of internet p0rn

Once this offer is gone, you still will receive 30 days for free!  It’s Covenant Eyes belief that every man & woman should make a covenant with their eyes to not look upon the opposite sex with lust!

Join the thousands of other families who rely upon Covenant Eyes to keep their families free from the influence of our porn saturated culture!

Try Covenant Eyes – Click Here

Merry Christmas
