
Porn Almost Killed Me

porn kills

Porn Almost Killed me

How porn slowly made me ill.


Starting in my teen years I developed this strange recurring illness that no one could figure out.  Every month to two months, like clockwork I would get sick.  My illness would start out as a sore throat with severe tiredness then I would come down with a fever.  These episodes would last a few days and only went away when I slept them off.

My parents and I were concerned, did I have a disease?  I went to my internist until he exhausted his resources.  He sent me to cardiology, ENT and even infectious disease.  They all found nothing!

This illness was not in my head as a few people had suggested!  I just accepted the fact that I would be sick the rest of my life and there was nothing that could be done.  Boy was I really discouraged.

I only saw relief from my sickness when I quit using porn!  Looking back on the whole sickness period of my life, there was only one constant involved along the way and that was my using porn.

I have researched this to see if I could find any evidence that these two issues were related.  Here is what I have found out.

  • Pornography usage is very similar to drug usage in that it causes ‘feel good’ substances to be released in your body.  This fact is one of the biggest reasons why people become addicted.
  • Dopamine is one of those chemicals release in your body that is associated with pleasure.  These are release when doing drugs or pornography.
  • Too much dopamine released into your body can cause a weakening of the immune system.
  • Too much dopamine decreases the amount of serotonin in your body which is critical to sleep cycles.  Lack of sleep wreaks havoc on your immune system.
  • A weakened immune system allows you to get sick.

I firmly believed that pornography almost killed me.  I was getting sicker and sicker and no one could diagnose me.

Now I only get sick whenever something is going around.

Life without porn is better!