This is Sanctity of Life weekend in the United States. What that means is that we regard life as a sacred gift from God and it is precious. God is the creator of life and humans were created in His image. This means we are made in His likeness and we have a high value.
The Sanctity of Life as we will look at deals with how pornography portrays an opposing view of life than God does. In pornography, people are objects instead of living beings with soul and spirit. Pornography portrays sex as a conquest and the woman as a mere piece of meat.
I’ve heard it said that we tend to use people and love things instead of loving people and using things. Pornography uses women and men as objects to satisfy our flesh. It ends up using them for the physical and mental satisfaction of control, gratification and physical release.
To love people and value them does not include sacrificing them up to peering eyes of thousands. Would you want your wife or daughter to be used in such a way as pornography does? It violates their value as a person and tears them down with degrading acts.
Humans should value each other and not support the humiliation of another for their own gratification. God would not humiliate us, nor does he care to see us treat some people as less valuable as others. Perhaps we should look at adults in pornography with as much disgust as we do for children who are abusively made to do such acts. Innocence aside, how much difference is there between the two?
Look that woman in the porn movie in the eyes while she is in the act. Are you looking into a soul less creature or into painful eyes? The eyes that are windows to the soul of a woman who is created in the image of God – she is a creation of the almighty and made in his image.
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