Covenant Eyes Review Accountability Filter Software

Covenant eyes software


Covenant Eyes Review – Accountability & internet filtering software

covenant eyes review

Today, I write my Covenant Eyes review for you to give you my opinion on the product.  Covenant Eyes is a software package that loads on your computer similar to other accountability & filtering software.  Unlike X3Watch, Covenant Eyes is not free.  You will pay a monthly fee based on what services you use and how many accounts you need.

The number of user accounts you choose will depend on how you want to police the internet in your house.  I have one account on my computer and it automatically logs on when my computer starts up.  Under this one account, all computer users in my house will be subject to the same level of internet filtering and accountability reporting.  This works for me, but may not for you.  Sometimes the best approach is one account for the children and one for the adults.  If you have more than one account, each account will have a separate login to use the internet.

There are two main functions of covenant eyes: Internet filtering and Accountability.  You have the option to use filtering, accountability or both.

The filter will block pornographic and questionable websites.  You can set the level of the filter based on the user as long as you set up separate user accounts.  You may also specify websites to always block or always allow.  This is great if you like a stricter level of filter, but want to allow one or two sites that would normally be blocked at that filter level.  The filter also gives you the ability to allow a user to access the internet at certain times of the day and for a certain total amount of time.  This works especially well if you want to limit the total time spent on the internet or prevent late night internet surfing while they should be sleeping!

Get your FREE 30 Day Trial of Covenant Eyes.

The accountability part of the software will log all of you visited websites.  This report is available to both you and your accountability partner on the internet through covenant eyes’ website.  Covenant eyes scores each site you visit.  The scoring is done in real time and scans a web page before it loads.  A low scoring site means it is harmless, but a higher scoring site means you might want to take a look into what it is.  Your report will only list higher scoring sites to keep the report useful and to not alarm the user.  A summary at the top of the report will tell the user at a glance whether there was anything to be concerned about for the reporting period selected.  Your accountability report will also list any questionable searches performed.  If someone was inquiring about ‘bikini photos’ they would be listed on this report.

One unique feature of covenant eyes is the panic button.  The panic button is available for the user to click in case they are overcome with the urge to view pornography or something else on the internet.  The panic button will disable your internet and forbid any websites to load until you can call the Covenant eyes hotline and have them turn it back on.  This is a great feature that allows someone to calm down and come back down to reality before returning to the internet.  If temptation is too much for you to handle the panic button is there for you.

My overall feelings about covenant eyes are positive.  The only downside in my opinion is that pages take an extra second or two to load up, but when I consider the benefits and think back to the days of dial-up, I can accept this.  I really like the adjustability of the filter, the accountability reporting and the panic button.  I highly recommend paying the monthly fee for both filter and accountability services.  The accountability report is much better than X3Watch because of the ranking system and the fact that a complete log of sites can be reviewed.  The filtering is very flexible and allows you to police the use of the internet far easier than other ways.  I feel that my kids and I are protected well from obscenities.  The accountability report is an added layer of protection should my wife or I become tempted to visit a website we would not want the other to know about.

Get your FREE 30 Day Trial of Covenant Eyes.


 If you haven’t already, be sure to sign up for my email course on tips/tricks to optimize covenant eyes – See here

Disclosure statement – I whole heartedly recommend covenant eyes and if you sign up, I will receive a small commission.  These commissions help to support this website and all of it’s content & help it provides.  Thank you. 

Covenant Eyes special 60 free trial

covenant eyes review

Get Covenant Eyes free for 60 days – limited time offer.

Hi all – it’s Christmas season and I have so much to be thankful for. I have a great family, wife, job and friends. What more could a guy ask for? I am so blessed by the Father. He is so good to me even though I don’t deserve it.  Grace is great!

I don’t think grace is cheap.  Cheap grace is thinking you can go on and sin knowing your sins are forgiven.  God forgive us for cheap grace.  It cost him so much and to us it is of little value sometimes…  sorry for the digression there.


covenant eyes review

Christmas time is a time of reflection on all the blessings our Lord has given to us.  All good things come from above!  We give gifts at Christmas time as a representation of what God gave to us in the form of his son Jesus.  The gift of eternal life through Jesus!  God loves us so much and doesn’t want us to go to hell.  He is also a God of justice and must punish sin.  Perfect love, perfect justice… that is what He is.  Jesus is the answer to the gap between our sin deserving punishment from his justice and the willingness that he doesn’t want us to go to hell.  Jesus was born sinless and lived sinless and then was sacrificed to pay the price for sinful man.  He is our atoning sacrifice to satisfy the justice God requires in punishing sin.  We need to accept that gift from God and we are then counted as righteous in the eye of God!  How great is that!!

Christmas presents are given as a symbol of the gift God gave to us in the form of His son Jesus.  When giving gifts this year, tech gifts are among the hottest things to give.  Protect your loved ones from internet filth by installing Covenant Eyes software on these gifts.  You want to bless them, not give them the opportunity to stumble.

I have a special relationship with Covenant Eyes, Inc.  They are the developers of accountability and filtering software for the internet.  This software is installed on any computer, phone or tablet and it will watch or filter the internet sites that are visited by the user.  Ron Dehaas the founder of Covenant Eyes, is a good christian family man who has a passion for protecting youth, family and marriages from the devastation of internet pornography.

If you click on this link and sign up for Covenant Eyes you will:

  • Get a limited time 60 days free trail (until December 19, 2014)
  • Support this ministry to fight against porn and help those ensnared in it (they send me a commission for signups)
  • Most importantly! – protect your loved ones from influence of internet p0rn

Once this offer is gone, you still will receive 30 days for free!  It’s Covenant Eyes belief that every man & woman should make a covenant with their eyes to not look upon the opposite sex with lust!

Join the thousands of other families who rely upon Covenant Eyes to keep their families free from the influence of our porn saturated culture!

Try Covenant Eyes – Click Here

Merry Christmas


Saavi Accountability Software Review

internet accountability software

Update:  Saavi Accountability was recently acquired by Covenant Eyes, Inc.  please refer to my review of Covenant eyes


Occasionally I will be asked to review a new tool for accountability, but mostly I find them on my own.  In this case, I was approached by the CEO of Saavi to take a look at their accountability software.  I was kind of hesitant to present another product to my readers, but now I feel it can’t hurt to let you know of another tool.

Accountability software is meant to record and report your online activity to an accountability partner.  Knowing that someone has access to your website visits, it helps you to stay away from whatever it is that you struggle with.  Saavi Accountability software can be set up to notify your accountability partner when you hit on a site that deals in Gambling, Games, Hate, Sexually Explicit, or Violence.  These are the general categories that will generate an email or text message to your partner.

Saavi software can also alert your accountability partner to certain applications such as file sharing, games or VOIP.  You can also set the software to catch keyword phrases if you have problems with vices such as drinking or drugs.

I installed the software on a laptop computer then configured the standards online.  I also input my cell number and email account for notification, but these will be assigned to your accountability partner.  Now it was time to test the software.

My first test was to go to Google to do a few searches.  My first search was for ‘porn’.  Within a minute I received a text message stating that the named computer had looked at which contained the flagged keyword ‘porn’.  Wow, that was quick!  I also received an email right behind the text message.  To prevent any temptations, I limited the rest of my test to normal usage.

I checked my email, logged into this site, and did some internet searches.  I received 3 more text messages.  The software flagged pornography and porn.  I guess my own website can trigger an alert, but the good thing is you can see the context of which the word was found.  In my alerts, I saw that my email triggered the word and also this website.  Nothing to be concerned about here.

So I went back to Saavi’s online dashboard and looked at the reports.  The reports are top notch!  You see the email alerts and text alerts that were sent.  You can also see what videos were watched and what searches were performed and where.  If your computer has multiple users set up you can see which user watched the videos, did the searching or visited questionable sites.

One thing I must mention is that you need to configure the standards along with your accountability partner.  I found that the MSN homepage has the word ‘porn’ embedded in it somewhere and I would get an alert every time someone in my house hit the MSN homepage.  There is a simple fix to work out these types of bugs on the control panel by either rating the site safe or adding the site to your do not scan list.

In conclusion, I think Saavi Accountability software is very good if you want to be accountable for your internet activity in regards to pornography addiction.  The best part of the software is the instant alerts to your accountability partner to get instant help in time of temptation.  The reporting is simple and provides enough information to create discussions however often you and your partner get together.  The only sticky part of Saavi is working out the bugs like I had to with the MSN homepage, but that is minor all things considered.

I can whole heartily recommend Saavi Accountability Software because it simply works well.  You can purchase Saavi and download it instantly by going to  Please mention Battleplan in the promotion code box to help support my website.  Thank you.

 Related Articles:

Review of Covenant Eyes Accountability Software

Supernatural lifeguard whistles and who is watching

The supernatural lifegaurd of the Holy Spirit
lifeguard whistles

Who is watching You?

Where is a lifeguard when you need one?  Lifeguard whistles

If you are searching to buy a lifeguard whistle, please find a nice selection of them here- lifeguard whistles   Otherwise, keep reading 🙂

My family and I just came back from one of those indoor water park resorts.  We had a great time together and did plenty of swimming.

These types of places are filled with people, pools and lifeguards.
There are lifeguards everywhere you turn whether you go on a water slide or wade in the wave pool.  They do an excellent job of whistling people away from unacceptable behavior and unknown dangers.  Their job is to make sure you are safe and don’t do anything stupid to hurt yourself.

One thing I noticed with my kids is that they would look to the lifeguard every time the whistle blew.  A few times it was for them, like when they were doing handstands on the bottom of the pool.  Most of the time it was for someone else that was getting to close to the edge or to close to the buoys where the wave machine works.

The lifeguards were watching everyone swim and would not let you get away with breaking a pool rule.  My kids would do something and then look up to the lifeguard to see whether it was ok to do it.  Once they found out that handstands were not allowed they didn’t try to do them again.  They love handstands, but the lifeguards were always watching and they did not want to get busted.

When we are tempted to look at pornography, where is the lifeguard ready to blow the whistle on us?  Believe it or not, there are lifeguards to keep us from sinning.  One of them is called our conscience.  Right before you click on that button to look at pornography, your conscience tells you to stop.

Another very similar lifeguard is the Holy Spirit which will do the same thing and urge you to run.  Hopefully you can still hear your conscience or the Holy Spirit as they blow the whistle and tell you to stop.  If you cannot hear them anymore, you have crushed these warnings long enough that you can’t hear them!  You are ignoring them and need to slow yourself down to recognize them again.  Remember that the eyes of The Lord are everywhere and while you think no one else can see you, He can!

Other lifeguards are the ones that we set up for ourselves.  Internet filtering programs such as Covenant Eyes or X3 watch will serve as a lifeguard when you get tempted.  There is also a program that will text your accountability partner when you start hitting websites that suggest you are ready to fail.

Some other practical lifeguards are locking out certain cable channels, keeping your computer in a public place, not allowing or getting yourself out of perfect storm situations, and calling your accountability partner to share your temptations with them.

Don’t allow yourself to even come close to drowning in pornography.  You must heed the natural and supernatural lifeguards in your life.  Don’t forget to set up some other practical lifeguards in your life as well.  When you do these, it will be much harder to harm yourself and fall prey to the satan and his schemes.

Accountability partner via Text: How to maintain accountability via cell phone

Accountability conducted by texting your partner

Stay in touch with your accountability partner

Stay Accountable by texting your partner daily – How to make accountability work with a cell phone.

If you feel an accountability relationship hard to maintain, consider using texting to make it easier.

Most all of us carry our cell phones around with us everywhere we go.   Funny how we feel ‘naked’ without our phones!

Picking up the phone and calling sometimes seems intrusive and makes us feel like we are bothering someone, but texting (like email) seems less intrusive.  We don’t seem to hesitate to send nonsense and links via email or text, so why not something as important as staying accountable?

How does accountability work via text?

  • Check in with your partner at least once daily
  • Ask them to pray for specific items such as stressful or heavy temptations that may be ahead in your day
  • When you are under heavy temptation, text them immediately – they can send up prayers immediately on your behalf
  • If you fail text them and confess.  A phone call should follow after they get your message
  • Celebrate victories during your day letting them know you came through
  • Offer encouragement by sharing quotes or verses that have spoken to you
  • At the end of the day tell them how you did and rate your day

Staying in contact with your partner daily instead of every few days or weekly will greatly help both of your walks.

These are just a few examples of how to have an accountability relationship via text.  Try this out with your partner and let me know how it is working for you.

Using Free Accountability Software – X3Watch review

X3 Watch software

I have seen the ads for the free accountability software called X3watch for a while, but never tried it out since we have been using other software.  Just recently, we bought a new computer, switched internet service and dropped our old internet filtering service.  This presented the perfect opportunity to try out some new software and X3watch was one of a few at the top of the list.

X3 Watch software

I visited and downloaded the software very quickly.  Installation was very fast as well.  The only required actions upon install are to name the computer you are monitoring and to give two email addresses for the reports.  That is it.


Give a little thought first before inputting the email addresses.  The first email address should be yours so that you can review the same report as your accountability partner.  The second email address will be your accountability partner.  You both will receive an email confirming that reports will be forthcoming at either 2 or 4 week intervals.


I input my own email address and then my wife’s email address.  My email is private to myself and my wife’s is private to herself.  I cannot delete the email from her inbox or vice versa.  We can both keep tabs on that computer for our children’s usage and each other’s usage.  This keeps the whole family accountable.  Consider the situation you have and in what way you can maintain the integrity of the accountability.


After two weeks, the report showed up in my email inbox with the subject: X3watch – Accountability report.  This report will only show you sites that are possibly questionable.


My report listed only six sites as questionable.  None of the sites on my report were pornography related, except for the abattleplan website.  It listed a Barbie website and some of it’s subdomains along with a facebook subdomain as questionable.  The software did correctly identify this website, but the others were wrongly tagged.



  • Free
  • It is better than not having any accountability software
  • Unnoticeably runs in the background


  • Questionable sites on the report require you to either know what they are or click on the link to review them.  You could expose yourself to pornography while checking sites.
  •  There is concern in the criteria for flagging a website as questionable.
  • Since the software resides on your computer, it could be circumvented by savvy users.

X3Watch accountability software is a basic no frills way to establish internet accountability, however it lacks some very important features to make it totally effective.  The reporting leaves much to be desired.  Unless the questionable website has an obviously pornographic title, you need to click the link to review the site.  Also, the way a site makes the questionable list makes me wonder how well it works.  If Barbie and Facebook make the questionable list will the software flag these harmless sites and ignore some pornographic sites?  The software sits on your computer and therefore can be circumvented easily by a savvy computer user.  Your teen would figure out a way around this.


The bottom line is if you need accountability, this may work for you.  You could use this along with Open DNS to get the full suite of accountability and internet filtering.  If you are very serious about protecting your and your family’s purity or if you want to really quit using pornography, you should spend some money on better software.  The lack of site logging, possible circumvention and the sketchy reporting leave a lot of holes available for the addict to take advantage of.

Also see: Covenant Eyes Review

Accountability Partner for Porn addicts

porn addicts need accountability

Accountability is a word that is thrown around much inside Christian circles.  Accountability means we have given someone the right to see if we are behaving properly and carrying out what we said we would do.  Just like at work when the boss gives you an assignment and then checks up with you frequently to make sure you are moving forward.

We all realize that we are accountable to God, but how often has that thought entered your mind while surfing porn sites?  Probably not much.   How different would you act if you had someone ask you every few days?  Do you think that would help deter you?

We should each have a very close friend who can ask you things such as “Have you been in The Word?”, “How is your prayer life going?”, “Did you ask for forgiveness from your wife like you said you would?”  “Have you looked at porn in the last few days?”  Someone needs to be able to ask you tough questions to help keep you on the narrow path.

Here are a few tips on what to look for in an accountability partner and how to conduct an accountability relationship.

– The person you choose for accountability should know you (or get to know you) deeply.  No superficial weather talk relationship.  They need to know you personally and all about your background, family, struggles, etc.

– Your accountability parter should be allowed to ask you any question.  Nothing is off limits!   You should not be offended by anything they ask.  As the asking partner – be sure you are asking questions in love and not in a way that intimidates or Lord over your partner.

– Your accountability partner should look you in the eye and ask: “Have you looked at pornography since our last meeting?”  A good accountability partner needs to be direct and to the point.  A good follow up question is “How has your thought life been?”  Ask these questions at every meeting!

– An accountability partner should be firm but full of grace.  What I mean is that your partner should not tolerate the sin of porn (there are no little peaks allowed), but your partner should show grace by praying with you and analyzing what went wrong without “beating you up” about your failure.

– An accountability partner should have your cell number and you his.  You should call your partner when you feel the temptation to indulge in porn.  Just like a sponsor for AA, your partner should make himself available anytime for prayer, an encouraging word and a meeting.

Your accountability partner is one of your most powerfull tools in your aresenal to defeat porn addiction.  Don’t overlook this point and think you can do it on your own.  There is power when two or more believers get together.

Ecclesiastes 4:12 “One person could be overpowered, but two people can stand up for themselves. A rope made of three cords is hard to break.”